Customer stories

Explore real stories of how companies are transforming communication, culture, and employee experience with Haiilo

Why organizations like yours love Haiilo

KPMG logo.

Haiilo insights bring us closer than we’ve ever been to employees because we’re now able to get their thoughts, and as a result of that feedback we can turn that into actionable solutions.

Eduardo Porfiro

Learning & Transformation, L’Oreal

A purple logo for ama with a snake on it

Haiilo is so easy to use that it's pretty straightforward for digital natives as well as non-digital native users… The platform is an absolute game changer.

J Mori Johnson

Ambassador Engagement Director & Health Equity Liaison

A logo for a company with a bottle with wings on it.

Haiilo is the central point of contact for our internal communications and all topics related to the company, as well as to cover all use cases through diverse functions.

Kevin Krause

Corporate Communications Manager

Discover how Haiilo's employee experience platform can transform your organization

Discover how Haiilo's employee experience platform can
transform your organization

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