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  • g2 easiest setup enterprise spring 2024
  • Haiilo is perfect for 500+

Strengthen Employee Advocacy in your company with Haiilo

With the power of employee advocacy platform, you can cut down on marketing costs and also help transform your employees into authentic brand ambassadors.

Book a demo today to find out more.

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3M+ employees engage using Haiilo
  • Salesforce (LP – color)
  • DB (LP – color)
  • E-ON ( LP – color)
  • KPMG ( LP – color)
  • Coca-Cola ( LP – color)
  • G2 leader summer 2024
  • G2 high-performer mid-market spring 2024
  • G2 easiest setup enterprise spring 2024
  • G2 easiest admin enterprise spring 2024
  • g2 easiest setup enterprise spring 2024
  • Haiilo is perfect for 500+
best social intranet platform
3M+ employees engage using Haiilo
  • Salesforce (LP – color)
  • DB (LP – color)
  • E-ON ( LP – color)
  • KPMG ( LP – color)
  • Coca-Cola ( LP – color)

Make your employees your biggest advocates

Haiilo empowers your employees to become true brand ambassadors by sharing your content online and changing how the worlds sees your brand.
Who is Haiilo? 🎥
Best in mobile app & software for ease of use
best for 500+ employees

Fill out the form to schedule your Haiilo demo now.

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Best employee engagement software

Turn your employees into brand ambassadors

With Haiilo, many companies have already managed to increase their reach and strengthen their employer branding. “How?” you might ask. By harnessing employee advocacy easily and efficiently! The Haiilo advocacy platform offers your employees an opportunity to position themselves as thought leaders, increase their own profile and expand their networks whilst boosting your brand.

Sharing internal content externally has never been so easy.

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Haillo comms platform


People trust people. That’s why 92% of consumers trust recommendations coming from acquaintances and people within their network. That’s more than any form of advertising could ever reach. Employee advocacy platforms like Haiilo make your brand more authentic.

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Employee advocacy reach conversion

Reach & Conversion

Employee advocacy increases your reach and conversion. Content shared by employees reaches over 500% more people than messages posted from a corporate account. At the same time, leads generated through employee networks are 7 times more likely to convert. Haiilo allows you to utilize employee advocacy to attain tangible results.

With Haiilo employee advocacy platform, your employees can post content from any internal channel to the social media of their choice with one click.

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haiilo page screenshot and on mobile phone screen

Share content from anywhere

From your web browser. From your phone. Even from your email or social intranet. Enable your employees to share content from their preferred channel. And it gets even better. With Haiilo Share, you can schedule posts to be shared on the channels of your choice at the optimal time.

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Is Haiilo a good fit for you?

Content integration with HubSpot, WordPress and SharePoint
AI-powered advanced analytics
Multichannel communication through Teams, Yammer, LinkedIn, Facebook, Slack, Twitter etc
Gamification for better adoption rates
Personalized experience through segmentation by language, location and department
Mobile-first design
Employee app
ISO certification and GDPR compliance for data security
Email suite for seamless creation of automated and tailored newsletters

This is why millions
of users love Haiilo

Our customers are our priority #1. That’s why we continuously work on making Haiilo even better. And we promise: Our products will be exceptionally easy to use. Forever.

  • Haiilo is providing Vodafone Spain with new opportunities to share content that wouldn’t otherwise be shared to our professional networks on social media while we also promote and advocate for our Vodafone Spain brand.

  • Our goal for our volunteers: Equip, Empower, Engage. These keywords are part of our program, which is why Haiilo fits so well for us. Here, these words come alive online.

  • We chose Haiilo since it has all the right ingredients for Booking.com: an easy-to-use interface and mobile app with just a few clicks to share content. Gamification was also essential for us to engage our users. But above all, we appreciate Haiilo’s analytics suite, which enables us to be data-driven in our decision-making and test our messages.

  • The response from our people internally was tremendous. I didn’t have to force anyone to join, they came to me asking for access. It became a situation where employees felt that they needed access because of all the great content that they could find there.

This is how Coca-Cola HBC managed to create 100000$ of visibility in 8 months

Coca-Cola HBC employees use Haiilo not only to share individual content but also as a platform for their own development – professionally and personally.

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    Coca-Cola HBC is a growth-oriented company and strategic bottling partner of the Coca-Cola Company.

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    To scale the employer brand through employees sharing and promoting Coca-Cola HBC content internally and externally as brand ambassadors.

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    Why Haiilo?
    Coca-Cola HBC has chosen Haiilo for several reasons: the ease of use, flexibility and simple integration of the platform.

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    In just 8 months, Coca-Cola HBC achieved $100,000 worth of social media visibility through Haiilo.

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Maya Tsankova
employee_advocacy_integrations apps logos

Haiilo Integrations

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    Integrate Haiilo with existing software for better adoption rates and seamless use

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    Automatically pull the content from content management systems and file storage

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    Enable employees to log in using their company accounts

Our goal for our volunteers: Equip, Empower, Engage. These keywords are part of our program, which is why Haiilo fits so well for us. Here, these words come alive online.

Get started now and schedule your Haiilo demo


  • Are employee advocacy and brand advocacy the same thing?
  • I have my doubts about the success of employee advocacy efforts. Do you have any examples of employee advocacy working?
  • Are there any other benefits of having an employee advocacy platform other than reach and conversion?
  • How do you build an employee advocacy program?
  • Is Haiilo good for employee advocacy?
  • I don’t have any questions; I’m just really happy to be a Haiilo customer