Why companies choose Haiilo over Bleexo

What customers say about us on G2

4.6 of 5

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What customers say about us on G2

4.6 of 5

A few reasons why customers
choose Haiilo over Bleexo

The right questions at the right time

Get up to 81% response rate and real-time results with our smart surveys. Personalized, modern and fast – no download required. Using the automated employee surveys allows you to save time while reducing turnover sustainably in all teams.



haiilo smart surveys screenshot on phone

Every leader’s 6th sense

With automated analytics, you easily anticipate problems and identify the best practices to support and engage your teams. We help you identify what factors lead to disengagement and provide you with solutions. Also, you can benchmark with similar companies to compare your scores.

a screenshot of a haiilo automated analytics page

Integrations to reach them all

We integrated the most important tools into Haiilo Insights, so you can reach your employees where they are. Less time, more responses.

a dashboard showing onboarding process

Safety First

We promise: you’ll never be able to track down individual answers from your employees, as Haiilo Insights is fully GDPR compliant. The highest security standards are applied (ISO27001 & more) and all survey results are anonymized.



a bunch of safety first images

The impact of Haiilo Insights

We support you in bringing the values and experiences of your employees to life in unique company culture.
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    Companies increase employees’ satisfaction by 30% in the first year of using Haiilo Insights.

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    Haiilo Insights increases employee satisfaction during a transformation by 15%.

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    Interns using Haiilo Insights are more satisfied and more likely to apply for a job by 23%.

Why our customers love Haiilo

We enable companies to drive motivation and productivity because engaged employees are the key driver for business success in the future.

And we promise: Our products will be exceptionally easy to use. Forever.

  • Super flexible as a tool and ultra intuitive to use. Haiilo Insights truly gives employees the floor to express themselves and encourages real conversations. I recommend Haiilo Insights to every executive looking to involve their employees and instill a culture of clarity and transparency.

  • When you have a large population of interns, it is imperative that they have the best experience. Haiilo Insights allows you to have a deep understanding of their experience. You can receive and share your best practices within the HR community to implement improvements.

  • Haiilo Insights is easy, reactive, and you can get many ideas from your employees because of the AI and the analysis offered..

  • Quick to learn, easy to use, intuitive, simple and easy to understand for a quick implementation.

Our mission

Today’s workforce wants greater flexibility and fulfillment in their work lives. Your people’s expectations have changed, and as a result, companies also need to change in order to maintain high levels of employee engagement and happiness. Failure to adapt will see many enterprises struggle and even possibly, fail.

Haiilo is the single most intuitive and advanced platform for driving, understanding and leveraging Employee Engagement.

2.000.000+ users already rely on Haiilo.